

Problem 14

05 April 2002

The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers:

n → n/2 (n is even)
n → 3n + 1 (n is odd)

Using the rule above and starting with 13, we generate the following sequence:

13 → 40 → 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1

It can be seen that this sequence (starting at 13 and finishing at 1) contains 10 terms. Although it has not been proved yet (Collatz Problem), it is thought that all starting numbers finish at 1.

Which starting number, under one million, produces the longest chain?

NOTE: Once the chain starts the terms are allowed to go above one million.



nn/2 (n が偶数)

n → 3n + 1 (n が奇数)


13 → 40 → 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1

13から1まで10個の項になる。この数列はどのような数字からはじめても最終的には 1 になると考えられているが、まだそのことは証明されていない(コラッツ問題)


注意: 数列の途中で100万以上になってもよい


   1: using System;
   2: using System.Collections.Generic;
   3: using System.Linq;
   4: using System.Text;
   6: namespace ConsoleApplication1
   7: {
   8:     class Program
   9:     {
  10:         static void Main(string[] args)
  11:         {
  12:             int max = 0;
  13:             int max_num = 0;
  14:             for (int i = 999999; i > 1; i--)
  15:             {
  16:                 double n = i;
  17:                 int cnt = 0;
  18:                 for (int j = 0; n > 1 ; )
  19:                 {
  20:                     cnt ++;
  21:                     if (Math.Floor(n / 2) * 2 == n)
  22:                     {
  23:                         n = n / 2;
  24:                     }
  25:                     else
  26:                     {
  27:                         n = 3 * n + 1;
  28:                     }
  29:                 }
  30:                 if (cnt >= max)
  31:                 {
  32:                     max = cnt;
  33:                     max_num = i;
  34:                 }
  35:             }
  36:             Console.WriteLine(max_num.ToString() + "のとき" + max.ToString() + "回");
  37:             Console.ReadLine();
  38:         }
  39:     }
  40: }

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